Going to the Salon or Barber with Scalp Psoriasis - 4 Tips for Getting a Haircut

If you’re living with scalp psoriasis, you may be concerned or worried about getting a professional haircut. Some people avoid salons altogether because they’re afraid of being embarrassed. But it’s important to remember that scalp psoriasis is very common, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.

If you’re scheduling your haircut, here are four tips to help you get the most out of your salon appointment.

4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Haircut with Scalp Psoriasis

1. Remember That You’re Not Alone

Up to 56% of people with psoriasis have scalp psoriasis. Millions of people across the world have psoriasis, so remember that you’re not alone. There’s a good chance that your stylist has seen this condition before and won’t be bothered by it in the slightest.

Although it’s easier said than done, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you have scalp psoriasis.

2. Find A Stylist Who Has Experience with Scalp Psoriasis

If you’re concerned about getting a haircut, find a stylist who has experience treating clients with scalp psoriasis. Working with an experienced stylist may put your mind at ease. In many cases, stylists and barbers can even recommend products or give advice about hairstyles that work well with scalp psoriasis.

If you can’t find a stylist familiar with the condition (many are), it can be helpful to explain that scalp psoriasis is neither a fungal infection nor contagious.

3. Let Your Stylist Know About Any Sensitivities Before Styling

If you’re sensitive to heat, brushing or certain product ingredients, let your stylist know ahead of time. Also, remind your stylist to be gentle when using combs and brushes. Be open and honest about the things that irritate your scalp. Remember that your stylist wants you to look and feel your best.

Communication is the key to having the best possible salon experience. Your stylist will be happy to accommodate your needs, and your scalp won’t have to suffer in the process.

4. Bring Medicated Products with You

It may be helpful to bring medicated shampoos (e.g., Kenkoderm Shampoo and Kenkoderm Conditioner) or other special products so that your stylist can use them during your appointment.

And if you’re worried about flaking, use treatments the day before your visit. You can also choose to shampoo at home just before your appointment, so your stylist can get straight to work on your haircut.

In conclusion, scalp psoriasis is a common condition, and there’s no reason to avoid getting haircuts. In fact, regular haircuts and even short styles may help with your symptoms. Even if you’re not interested in a short haircut, a trip to the salon and a new haircut can boost your self-confidence.

Don’t let your scalp psoriasis stop you from visiting the salon for a haircut. Professionally trained stylists know and understand this common skin condition, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed.

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